Michael Joseph Jackson (R.I.P)
26 Haziran 2009 saat 01.21'de (TR saati ile) Michael Jackson'ın kalp durması sonucu hayata veda ettiği açıklandı. Öğle saatlerinde nefes darlığı şikayeti ile UCLA Tıp Merkezi'ne alınan ve bir süre sonra komaya giren ünlü sanatçının kalbinin durduğu ve tüm müdahalelere rağmen kurtulamadığı söylendi.
On June 25, 2009, Jackson collapsed at his rented mansion at 100 North Carolwood Drive in the Holmby Hills area of Los Angeles. Pending confirmation from toxicology reports, he was allegedly administered Demerol shortly before he stopped breathing. Attempts at resuscitating him by his personal physician were unsuccessful. Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics received a 911 call at 12:22 p.m. (PDT), and arrived three minutes and seventeen seconds later at Jackson's location. He was reportedly not breathing and CPR was performed. Resuscitation efforts continued both en route to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, and for an hour further after arriving at approximately 1:13 p.m. (20:13 UTC). He was noted already to have been in cardiac arrest by the paramedics who attended his house. Jackson was pronounced dead at approximately 2:25 p.m. local time (21:25 UTC)
Jackson'ın ten rengi değişimine dair şu bilgiyi vermezsem birşeylerin eksik olduğunu düşünürüm her zaman...
Michael Jackson'da 1980'li yıllarda fiziksel değişiklikler görülür. Kahverengi olan teninin açılarak beyazlaşması gibi bazı değişiklikler olmuştur. Michael Jackson'da vitiligo hastalığı vardır. Bu hastalık Dünya üzerindeki zenciler arasında milyonda bir oranında görülmektedir. Bu hastalığa ilk yakalandığı dönemlerde beyaz lekelerin oluştuğu bölgeleri koyu renk makyajla kapatmıştır. Daha sonra hastalık sebebiyle vücudunun büyük bir kısmı beyazlayınca koyu bölgeleri de açık renk makyajla kapatmaya çalışmıştır. Bu hastalığın teşhisi kendisine ilk olarak 1981 yılında konmuştur. Bu hastalık en çok yüzüne vurmuştur. Yüzü beyazlamış, burnunun üstünde bir leke oluşmuştur.
Jackson's skin was a medium-brown color for the entire duration of his youth, but starting in the early 1980s, his skin gradually grew paler. This change gained widespread media coverage, including rumors that Jackson was bleaching his skin. In the mid-1980s, Jackson was diagnosed with vitiligo and lupus; the latter was in remission in Jackson's case, and both illnesses made him sensitive to sunlight. The treatments he used for his condition further lightened his skin tone, and, with the application of pancake makeup to even out blotches, he could appear very pale. The structure of his face changed as well; several surgeons have speculated that Jackson had undergone multiple nasal surgeries, a forehead lift, thinned lips and a cheekbone surgery. Changes to his face were, in part, due to periods of significant weight loss. Jackson lost weight in the early 1980s because of a change in diet and a desire for "a dancer's body". Witnesses reported that Jackson was often dizzy and speculated that he was suffering from anorexia nervosa; riods of weight loss would become a recurring problem for the singer later in life. Some medical professionals have publicly stated their belief that the singer had body dysmorphic disorder, a psychological condition whereby the sufferer has no concept of how he is perceived by others.
Michael'i şu görüntülerle hatırlamak en güzeli olacak heralde...
- ve bu teaser ile tüylerinizi diken diken edesim var :))
Michael Jackson - History - Teaser
look at this link more information : http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/english/lifestyle/11952606.asp?rdr=1